Kid's Corner Dental - Fullerton, CA

Laser Dentistry

If you’ve been avoiding the dentist because you’re afraid for your child to experience drills, needles, and pain, you don’t have to worry anymore. Laser dentistry at Kid’s Corner Dental in Fullerton, CA, allows your child to get the fillings they need without pain, discomfort, or fear. The practice offers anesthesia-free, FDA-cleared Solea lasers to quickly and painlessly fix your child’s teeth so they can get back to their normal routine. To find out how laser dentistry can make your child smile again, contact our team by phone or request an appointment online today.

Laser Dentistry Q&As

What is laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry replaces noisy, painful, scary drills with vibration-free, nearly soundless laser-light treatments. The Solea laser is the first CO2 laser cleared by the FDA to treat both teeth and gums. 

Our office recommends lasers for:

  • Cavity treatment – to cut away and clean damaged tooth areas
  • Gingivectomy – to remove excess or infected gums
  • Frenectomy – to remove excess connective tissue in children
  • Aphthous ulcers – to remove painful canker sores
  • Fibromas – to remove large bumps caused by trauma or irritation
  • Crown lengthening – to fix a gummy smile

You can choose laser dentistry both for functional dental issues and to improve the aesthetics of your child’s teeth and gums. 

What are some of the advantages of laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry is faster and more precise than traditional dental drills. With most procedures — including cavity preparation — your child won’t need any anesthesia at all. If your child is having gum surgery, they might not need any stitches either, since the laser seals the tissue for healthy healing. Other advantages include:

  • No need to wait for your child’s mouth to become numb
  • No need to wait for numbing to wear off
  • Shorter treatment time
  • Creates less soft-tissue trauma
  • Causes no or minimal bleeding
  • No follow-up appointments needed

Your child can return to normal activities directly after their laser dentistry procedure. They can even eat normally because their mouth won’t be numb.

What if someone is afraid of the dentist?

Children who have dental anxiety respond well to laser dentistry. Not only are the Solea drills pain-free and fast, but they also make little noise and don’t vibrate.  

If your child is afraid of the dentist, the Kid’s Corner Dental team and dentists also take extra care and time to make them feel comfortable. Feel free to bring your child in for a get-acquainted appointment so that Kid’s Corner Dental visits become part of their normal, familiar routine. 

Is there any time when my child couldn’t use laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry is safe for all ages and most conditions. Laser dentistry is a great choice because no anesthesia or medications are needed. 

To help your child avoid dental fears and painful procedures, contact our friendly team.

What To Expect (30-60 Minutes)

If your child is not keen on needles or being numb, laser dentistry could be the solution! Fillings can be done comfortably without the “fat lip” so your child can get back to their normal routine.

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